Pet Psychic – Talking With Your Animal

pet psychic talking with your animal Shiloh IMG 20190426 185225Bright580x387Of all the ways to connect with the infinite Universe, connecting with your pet telepathically is fun and can be quite practical.

A Pet Psychic is someone using their psychic senses to perceive an animal’s aura, which includes their intentions, thoughts, feelings and physical wellbeing.

It is also possible that a powerful psychic can plant thoughts into the animal’s mind and aura, and even stimulate healing and balancing.

A Psychic Retrieval® Session can be used for the purpose of focusing on an animal’s aura, just as it can be used for any other psychic insight and perception. The practical applications of working with an animal is cultivating an understanding for an animal misbehaving as well as how to correct the behavior, and medical intuition regarding an animal’s illness and wellbeing. It is a lot of fun to get to know your animal better!

Pet Psychics traditionally are using their psychic insight to relate with an animal, however, Spirit Guides can also enhance an understanding of a situation with a pet. Therefore, spiritual communication is a powerful secondary soul ability to gain clear insight into a pet’s behavior, needs, wellbeing and personality. Because spiritual guides have access to the same aura of the animal and information that we do with our psychic perception, it can be a wonderful confirmation to do a Voice Channeling® Session and have Spirit validate your intuitive insight of your animal.

Combined, the two soul abilities of intuition and spiritual communication can always provide the greatest picture and depth to a situation – any situation!

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Guiding Your Relationships with Intuitive Decision-Making

guiding your relationships with intuitive decision making y dsc 8ds064 580wRelationships are the heart of our lives in our family and career. Relationships shape our decisions, bringing us in and out of alignment with our destiny. Choices we make all day long truly matter. They keep our family safe and healthy. They bring us joy or struggle. One decision can launch our purpose forward.

Then our question is, how do we nurture love and choose the highest benefit in each moment? Through our intuitive clarity and inner guidance. This answer may sound obvious, but we’re going to dive into your next big step forward with it!

Decisions are guided by our past experiences and beliefs, which emotionally affects the way we see situations. Our past determines our choices about the present. But to always make choices for our highest benefit requires us to use our full intuitive potential.

Intuition is usually subtle. It’s more quiet than our intellectual process.

Which do you feel guides your decisions stronger, intellect or intuition?

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Conscious Leadership: Guiding Your Family into Soul-Based Living

conscious leadership guiding your family into soul based living an 16 557 580w brightYour family is your greatest opportunity to be a leader. And when you have the respect of being a leader in your family, you can be a leader anywhere – in the office, with friends, in your community, and even globally.

Parents and teachers have the most profound role in leading children by exemplifying soul-based living. Simply put, this is living your life through the perspective of love.

Soul-based living is teaching children that instead of judging and reacting, we are choosing to observe and learn. Soul-based living is choosing to love and accept, no matter what, unconditionally. Because after all, real love is without conditions.

As a young child, I experienced feeling judged by my family with their own belief systems about what a “good girl” and “bad girl” is. Later as a teenager, I felt unaccepted and was often considered to be the “black sheep” of my family. My parents didn’t know what to do with me because I was different. For me, one of the saddest things was not being understood by my parents, and therefore feeling unaccepted and unloved. Many children and adults have had a similar experience and are still struggling with the feeling of not having a place in this world. Understanding is a soul-based quality.

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